Mr Nick Smith is proud to announce the launch of his new website to assist Patients & Medical Professionals with all aspects of Knee surgery. We hop you find the new site useful and welcome you to get in touch with any enquiries.
Leave a replyMr Nick Smith is proud to announce the launch of his new website to assist Patients & Medical Professionals with all aspects of Knee surgery. We hop you find the new site useful and welcome you to get in touch with any enquiries.
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I am contacting you to gather your opinion and interest in our product, in particular how you manage open wedge high tibial osteotomy.
Smartbone wedges can be used in the osteotomy area in conjunction with fixation to increase strength and increase the chance of early weight bearing. Integration of Smatbone starts immediatly with full weight bearing an option. Remodelling of the osteotomy site can be seen on x-ray after 3 months and full integration into a solid bone can be achieved after one year depending on patient selection.
Currently, Professor Puddu is collaborating with IBI engineers is designing a HTO Smartbone plate; in essence the plate will be made of the Smartbone material. This will hugely reduce titanium or stainless steel fixation becuase the majority of the fixation will be Smartbone. Additionally, Smartbone was used by Mr Ellapparadja at Tameside & Glossop NHS Trust for a HTO, with plans for further patients in the coming weeks.
I would be grateful if we could discuss this further.